Student Experience Twente WS22/23

Study period: Fall 2022/2023
Academic level: Master
Phil G.

Chapter 1: Preparation

As the winter semester of 2022 approached, I found myself excitedly anticipating my upcoming adventure as an exchange student at the University of Twente in Enschede, Netherlands. The preparation phase was a mix of excitement and nervousness, but I was determined to make the most of this opportunity.

Before departing, I made sure to research the university, the city, and the Dutch culture to get a better understanding of what to expect. I organized my documents, ensured I had the necessary insurance and packed my bags with warm clothing to survive the Dutch winter. While I was well-prepared, there were still a few surprises in store for me.

Chapter 2: Arrival and Accommodation

Upon arrival in Enschede, the first thing that struck me was the picturesque charm of the city. The cozy streets lined with traditional Dutch architecture created a warm and inviting atmosphere. My accommodation was in the university's student housing, which was conveniently located just a short bike ride away from the campus. The room was compact but comfortable, equipped with all the essentials I needed for my stay. Living among other international students fostered a sense of community and allowed me to make friends from all over the world.

Chapter 3: University Life

The University of Twente left a lasting impression on me. The campus was a modern marvel, with state-of-the-art facilities and a vibrant academic environment. The university's commitment to technology and innovation was evident in its programs and research centers. I particularly appreciated the interactive learning methods employed by the professors, which encouraged active participation and critical thinking among students.

The university's emphasis on a practical approach to education was reflected in the many projects and group assignments that were an integral part of the curriculum. These experiences not only deepened my understanding of the subjects but also improved my teamwork and communication skills. The campus offered numerous extracurricular activities, from sports clubs to cultural events, providing a well-rounded experience for students.

Chapter 4: Cultural Impression

Living in the Netherlands exposed me to a rich and diverse culture. The Dutch people were incredibly friendly and open-minded, making it easy for me to integrate into their society. Biking became my primary mode of transportation, and I quickly adapted to the bike-friendly infrastructure of the city. The Dutch cuisine, although different from what I was used to, introduced me to new flavors and dishes that I grew to enjoy.

Exploring beyond Enschede, I had the opportunity to visit Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and other Dutch cities. Each place had its own unique character, from the bustling streets of Amsterdam to the modern architecture of Rotterdam. The weekends were often dedicated to travel, allowing me to immerse myself in the beauty and history of the Netherlands.

Chapter 5: Tips and Recommendations

For future students planning to embark on a similar journey to the University of Twente, I have a few pieces of advice to offer:

Embrace Biking: Invest in a sturdy bike and become familiar with the biking routes. It's not only an efficient way to get around but also a quintessential Dutch experience.

Engage in Campus Activities: Don't hesitate to join clubs and organizations on campus. It's an excellent way to make friends and create lasting memories.

Explore Beyond Enschede: Take advantage of the well-connected Dutch train system to explore different cities and regions during your free time.

Learn Basic Dutch: While many Dutch people speak English, learning a few basic Dutch phrases can enhance your experience and interactions.

Immerse Yourself: Immerse yourself in Dutch culture by trying local foods, attending cultural events, and interacting with locals.

Chapter 6: Conclusion

My semester abroad at the University of Twente was truly transformative. It provided me with not only a top-notch education but also a broader perspective on the world. The beautiful city of Enschede became a second home, and the friends I made from around the globe became a second family. The experience taught me the importance of adaptability, cultural openness, and the value of stepping out of my comfort zone.

As I reflect on my time at the University of Twente, I am filled with gratitude for the memories, the learning, and the personal growth that this journey has brought me. If given the chance, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.



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