IS:link Option
What is the IS:link option?

IS:link, as a global network of renowned faculties of general business studies, pursues the goal of promoting international student exchange in the field of information systems.
The continuous support and guidance of the students by IS:link starts with the first counseling interview, continues during the semester abroad and ends with the recognition of the stay abroad. The students and IS:link team thus maintain contact during the whole study abroad program.
In addition to its advisory function, IS:link is also responsible for coordination. This mainly relates to study places at the partner universities and course recognition.
IS:link, as a global network of prestigious universities, has different quotas of study places at partner universities, which are also managed by IS:link when applying through IS:link. This means that the nomination for the study place is made by the network. However, the final decision on acceptance or rejection of nominees is the responsibility of the partner university.
For students who complete their semester abroad at partner universities via IS:link, the cooperation means that tuition fees are waived.
In addition, the bureaucratic effort for the students is reduced by IS:link having the creditability of courses and achievements checked and approved by the examination board in advance in a learning agreement. IS:link thus acts as the connection between the foreign faculty and the University of Duisburg-Essen.
Pro and contra IS:link
When does the IS:link option make sense for you?
- Bureaucratic paths in planning and implementation are actively shortened and simplified by IS:link
- Inexpensive and efficient (money, effort and time)
- Global network of prestigious universities across different continents
- The cooperation eliminates the tuition fees of the partner universities
- IS:link as a connection between the foreign faculty and the University of Duisburg-Essen
- Less flexibility in the selection of partner universities (Selection of foreign university only possible within the IS:link network)
The IS:link process
Application Overview
We have changed our consultation hours
Current consultation hours:
- Tuesday: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
- Wednesday: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
The IS:link process consists of 5 steps:

Step 1: Preparation for the IS:link consultation

Step 2: Personal IS:link consultation

Step 3: Application

Step 4: Admission procedure at the partner university

Step 5: Recognition

Notes on courses, services and recognition
Each step is necessary and must be done in consultation with the IS:link team.
The process is mainly done with the tool "Clustdoc".
Contact for UDE students
Please schedule an appointment at:
Our service hours:
- Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Our consultation hours:
- Monday - Thursday: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm