For UDE Students:
1. How do I find a suitable partner university?
Here you will find helpful questions for the decision of the partner university:
->Which country, climate and culture suit me?
->Which modules are offered abroad?
->Which modules are still missing?
->Which country fits my financial possibilities?
2. Which costs do I have to pay?
The costs of the semester abroad depend strongly on the country in which the semester abroad is to take place. Experience has shown that the costs of living in Finland and Sweden are rather high, while a stay abroad in Poland, for example, is rather inexpensive. Please note that at IS:link partner universities tuition fees are waived, but social and student contributions (social contribution or registration fees) have to be paid. If you do not apply for a semester off in Essen, you will have to pay double fees.
3. Which financing possibilities are there?
You have the possibility to apply for a scholarship for your stay abroad. For stays within Europe there are, among others, the ERASMUS+ and the DUE-Mobil scholarships. Outside Europe you can apply for PROMOS funding. For more information, please contact the International Office.
In addition, many private institutions offer their own scholarships, which you can apply for.
4. Where will I be accommodated during my stay?
Almost all universities offer exchange students the opportunity to apply for a dormitory directly during the university application process. Alternatively, you can arrange private accommodation that you rent for the duration of your stay.
5.What application deadlines do I need to be aware of?
The deadline for applying for ERASMUS+ funding ends every year on 31.01. This means that for a planned stay abroad in the winter semester/summer semester you have to apply for the funding already on 31.01. of the previous year.
In general, it is important to distinguish between nomination and application. IS:link will take care of the nomination at the host university for you. Afterwards, you can apply to the host university on your own. How this is done in detail, which documents are required and which deadlines have to be met is regulated by each university independently. Please inform yourself early which universities you are interested in, which deadlines have to be met and contact IS:link in time.
6. Which documents do I need?
In order to prepare your stay abroad and all applications, we need your master data (name, matriculation number, e-mail), a current transcript of records as well as a curriculum vitae. In addition, it is necessary that you take note of and sign our advising information. For the preparation of the Learning Agreement we need the respective Syllabus for each module. This is the description of the module you want to take abroad, which includes the module title, an identification code module title, a proof of the level (Bachelor, Master) and the taught content.
7. Do I have to take out health insurance abroad?
We strongly recommend that you contact your health insurance company early to clarify your insurance coverage abroad. In some countries, it is possible that you will have to pay a doctor in advance even though you have health insurance. Please inform yourself as early as possible about the customs of the respective country in which you would like to spend your semester abroad.
8. How is the Learning Agreement created and how can I change it if necessary?
1. Choice of host university and courses with support by IS:link advisor
2. Review of course selection by IS:link coordinator
3. Preparation of the individual Learning Agreement with support by IS:link advisor
4. Review and approval of the Learning Agreement by the examination board
5. Notification of the IS:link advisor about course changes
6. Review of the course change by IS:link coordinator
(no approval by examination board)
9. Can I complete a semester abroad as an undergraduate student?
In principle, yes. Please note that you should have already acquired 90 credits in your core studies - this way you can also take in-depth modules. Otherwise, the choice of courses is usually very limited, so that the benefit of a semester abroad for your study plan is rather low.
10. How can I prepare for the counseling interview?
You can find the central guiding questions to prepare for the counseling interview here :
11. How will my benefits be counted after the stay and how long will it take?
You can submit your documents to the IS:link coordinator, who will take care of all the formalities for you. You will need: Transcript of Records from the host university, grade conversion key, Learning Agreement. If there have been any changes in the Learning Agreement abroad, please attach the email arrangements. Please allow 8-12 weeks for credit transfer.
12. Are there any restrictions regarding my course choice?
In principle, you can take any course offered at the master's level in computer science, business informatics, business administration or economics abroad. However, some universities may have restrictions on the courses they offer. Due to the experiences of the last years IS:link has a large, constantly growing pool of reference credits. However, if courses are too similar to a course at the bachelor level of the University of DUE, a credit can unfortunately not be granted.
For Interested Universities:
1.What is IS:link?
IS:link is an international cooperation program of universities to give students of Business Information Systems worldwide the opportunity to spend a semester abroad.
2.What do you have to do to be part of the IS:link network?
If you are interested or have any questions, please write an e-mail with the subject "IS:link networking" to: anna.khodijah@uni-due.de